PageReference vs Page ID

I have managed to retrieve the Page ID for a specific page. Now I want use NewsList and list all news (childs) for this page. I was thinking in line of something like this: EPiServer.Core.PageDataCollection ChildPages; ChildPages = GetChildren(pageLink) The problem is that pageLink is of type PageReference, and all I have is an pageID of the type string. So my question is: How do I list articles/news/pages whn I only have the PageID?
Feb 12, 2007 11:40
Hi It would be something like this: EPiServer.Core.PageDataCollection ChildPages; ChildPages = GetChildren(new PageReference(pageID))
Feb 12, 2007 13:24
Thanks, that did the trick :-)
Feb 13, 2007 9:08
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