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Strip HTML Tags from SQL Query

Hello, I'm trying to clean up data from the source database before migrating it into the EPiServer database. I would like to strip all HTML tags from values before I put them into the PageName. I've added a regular expression but it doesn't seem to match any of the tags including br, span, b, etc. The SQL is something like this: DECLARE @regex VARCHAR(8000) SET @regex = '\<.+?\ />' -- Not sure about the regular expression that I need to put here. SELECT REPLACE(varCharType, @regex ,'') as PageName, MainBody FROM tbl_TextProperties I appreciate your help. Thanks. Victor
Aug 07, 2007 17:45
Regex is the right way to do this. Google and you will find plenty of sites with regex patterns to remove all html-tags
Aug 11, 2007 16:52
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.