Collection filter all pages by category

Hi! Customer of ours is in need of a listing function that lists out all the pages on the site with a certain category. Editor will usually specify a certain number of newest pages to show (default 5). Is this too heavy operation or is it plausable considering following: 1. Startpage listing has up to 2000 visitors a day 2. There are up to 2000 articles on site If considered too heavy, is there another useful function besider Collection.Filter by certain category that I should use? Something like interveining with Save function, and storing all pages with certain category checked in a Table? Or a function that gets newest page first, then second newest, and so on until specified number og pages is found? - Goran
Jan 28, 2008 11:02
FindPagesByCriteria(...) together with Category - Goran
Jan 29, 2008 11:44
Thanks Goran! :)
Jan 29, 2008 11:44
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