Workflows sample


I'm trying to get the workflows provided in the SampleWorkflows project to work, specifically SequentialApproval. I've compiled the source code, copied the DLL and PDB to the bin folder, and created a new workflow for class EPiServer.SampleWorkflows.SequentialApproval. However the workflow never fires.

If I set up another workflow, using the SequentialApproval class defined in the EPiServer.WorkflowFoundation DLL, then I have no problem at all.

Has anyone out there got the sample to work properly? If so what am I doing wrong?

Apr 16, 2008 15:46
Sorted this now, just needed to make some web.config changes.
Apr 18, 2008 13:40

Hi Ross

On the point of using the default WF's and the sampleworkflow. why not use the default WFlows?

Can u advise what group/user structure you put in place to receive notifications based on configured WFlows? e.g if it was mapped on page creation for instance

I can't seem to find where to configure target group/user assignments?

These users should surely be created with SQLServerRoleProvider type and have mail addresse assigned.


Nov 20, 2008 17:01
Nov 20, 2008 17:07
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