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There appears to be an example search function which should be installed as part of the last stage of installation.
Unfortunately, EpiServer was already installed on my PC and it appears that I can't separately download their example.
I've now downloaded this example but found it over complicated. Anyone know of any other search examples?
There is a search page in the template package that comes with EPiServer CMS 5. The template package can be installed with the manager. It uses a searchdatasource to search the site and gives the results with the a repeater.
<EPiServer:SearchDataSource ID="SearchDataSource" runat="server" EnableVisibleInMenu="false">
<EPiServer:PropertyParameter Name="PageLink" PropertyName="SearchRoot" />
the search data source will return a collection with the pages. You can then choose to show the information as you wish.
We use an asp repeater.
Does anyone know if it's possible to configure some sort of web search engine using EpiServer? If so, do you have an example I could look at? I want it to search all our web content using specific keywords and hopefully get a returned list of page names?