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Wrong <base> tag with Friendly Url in EpiServer 4.61


Hi. We introduced Friendly urls in our company website a couple of weeks ago in for doing SEO, and we have come upon a problem. Recently google reindexed our website and it appears that our startpage which has the url like: have dissapeared from its index. We looked at to what the problem might be, and we noticed that the <base> tag looks different in the startpage that all other pages.

On all other pages, this base-tag is included:

<base href="" />

However, this is the base-tag of the startpage, which has a double slash after the domain name which may cause the problem:

<base href="" />


In our Header.ascx we have included the following tag which is the one that is creating the base tag:

<episerver:FriendlyUrlRegistration runat="Server" ID="Friendlyurlregistration1"/>


We are looking to how to remove these double slashes, anyone that has seen anything like this.


// Christoffer Ramqvist

Dec 21, 2009 15:09

Sorry about the bad copy-paste. Here are the base-tags:

<base href="" />
<base href="" />

<base href="" />

<base href="" />    <--- this it the faulty one

Dec 21, 2009 15:12

Had to disable the basehref property of the friendlyUrlRegistration class, which worked. Google seems to have picked up our startpage again. All our links are relative to our root anyway so i think we can live without the base tag.

Would be nice to know a better solution though.

Dec 22, 2009 12:59
Mar 09, 2010 8:00
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.