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Embed-tags and Flash in TinyMCE


My goal is to insert flash with nested object- and embed-tags in the markup, following this:

However TinyMCE is stripping/converting any embed-tags to object-tags only. I've tried configuring the editor to accept embed-tags by this:


[TinyMCEPluginNonVisual(AlwaysEnabled = true,
    PlugInName = "CustomEditorSettings",
    DisplayName = "Init options",
    Description = "Custom editor init options.",
    EditorInitConfigurationOptions = @"{ extended_valid_elements : ""embed[type|width|height|src|*]"" }")]  
    public class FlashTinyMCEPlugin


But no luck. Any other suggestions?


Nov 02, 2010 11:57

Are you on CMS6?  The TinyMCE editor has buttons for inserting media -- would any of these work?

Otherwise, Frederik Vig post this the other day:

It looks like he had to write a class AND make a change to episerver.config.

Nov 02, 2010 14:12

Thanx for your answer Deane! The problem was however that TinyMCE has a special cleanup for media-elements like embed and object. And you can set in what way the editor will handle object and embed-tags with the "media_strict" configuration (read more here:

So what i did was:

    [TinyMCEPluginNonVisual(AlwaysEnabled = true,
    PlugInName = "CustomEditorSettings",
    DisplayName = "Init options",
    Description = "Custom editor init options.",
    EditorInitConfigurationOptions = @"{  
        extended_valid_elements : ""embed[width|height|name|flashvars|src|bgcolor|align|play|loop|quality|allowscriptaccess|type|pluginspage]"",   
        media_strict : false }")]
    public class EditorSettings { }

Edited, Nov 02, 2010 16:28
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