LinkItem.Title and Western European symbols


Hi, this assertion fails and this make us to apply workaround to be able to use special symbols in link titles. Is this a bug in EPiServer 6?

 Assert.AreEqual("<a href=\"\" title=\"ä title\">ä item</a>",
         (new LinkItem {
                    Href = "",
                    Text = "ä item",
                    Title = "ä title" }).ToPermanentLink());

Assert.AreEqual failed. Expected:<<a href="" title="ä title">ä item</a>>. Actual:<<a href="" title="&amp;#228; title">&#228; item</a>>.


Apr 06, 2010 13:40
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.