Mime Type issue with VPP


Using EPiServer CMS 5 under IIS7. I have a problem with small video clips stored in VPP folders. The video files are .mp4 and .m4v files, and IIS has a global mime-mapping for those extensions to video/mp4 and video/m4v respectively. However, when I request the files the returned mime-type is application/octet-stream, which confuses our videoplayer to no end.

Has anyone got any suggestions why it might miss the mime-mappings?


Sep 09, 2010 12:04

I should add that if I copy the same video files to a local folder that isnt managed by StaticFileHandler, the mime-type returned for the requests is correct.


Sep 09, 2010 12:05

This is because for a VPP request the content type is determined by what is in the registry rather than what mime types are set up in IIS. 

I had a similar issue with flash files being served as application/octet-stream when via VPP and application/x-shockwave-flash when via IIS.

I overcame this by installing flash on the server which adds the mime type into the registry. I would imagine that you can do something similar.

Feb 29, 2012 15:43
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