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Styles and default language missing on CMS login page


Hello everybody!

I'm new to EpiServer and I'm stuck with some minor problem.

I have started developing a site using EpiServer CMS5 R2. First I had to change the web.config 'cause I use IIS6 and the project was created on PC with IIS7. After solving all the errors I got, i managed to get to the CMS  login page and get authenticated, but the page had no styles at all and it seems not to have found the language file either, even though, the lang folder exists and the virtual paths seem to be well written in web.config and pointing to valid physical paths. Then it redirected me to admin/setup.aspx(which apparently doesn't exist on the Epi CMS installation folder) and then i get this error

[Missing text #heading for en] 

[Missing text /admin/setup/redirectwarning for en][Missing text /admin/setup/utilsetupempty for en]


So, it looks like i definitely messed up something related to Epi configuration on the web.config or something else is going on, but I have no idea what it was.

Has anybody faced this issue or has any idea of what might be causing the problem?

Thanks in advance



May 17, 2011 14:02

Maybe the project references assemblies of a different (newer) version of EPiServer and there's a mismatch between your assemblies and the core files (pointing to old EPiServer)?

May 17, 2011 23:03

Hej! Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately I have already checked that and made sure the assemblies reference the right version. I have managed to have the language files found, but still no luck with the styles and when i try to access "admin" mode i get a "no page found" response

May 23, 2011 10:09
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