Exception thrown: System.Globalization.CultureNotFoundException


Hi All,

I've been doing some upgrading of packages and recently noticed a couple of


s popping up when I first load up the site locally.

Done some digging and the two strings that are trying to be turned into cultures are: 'uploads' and 'userCache'. !?

I've had a look around online and from what I can read, people are saying that unless 'uploads' or 'userCache' were special cultures that I needed to create, then not to worry about the exceptions and move on.

They're not breaking anything that I can tell, but I'm curious I guess.

What would you do? ignore and move on? or investigate further?

if you would investigate further how would you go about it? I've loaded some MS Symbols and looked at the call stack in order to find out about uploads and userCache, but that's about as far as my knowledge has taken me. 


Oct 12, 2018 17:17
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