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Using Content Search Api with category filter always returns no records.


I have this request that I am trying to fetch data with but I always get no records when calling the api.

https://localhost:8080/api/episerver/v3.0/search/content?filter=category/value/name eq 'TestCategory'

I followed the api documentation where it says to have the following format:

?filter=category/value/name eq 'Category Name'

But with no prevail. I did try to fetch my content using a query parameter and it works fine. 

Am I doing something wrong in the query above? Any help is appreciated.

Oct 25, 2023 6:23

Sometimes categories are indexed differently, our categories looks like this in the index.

"category": [
        "name": "TestCategory",
        "description": "TestCategory",
        "id": 12

In this case the query should not include the value path

https://localhost:8080/api/episerver/v3.0/search/content?filter=category/name eq 'TestCategory'

But check your index how your categories are stored.
Edited, Oct 25, 2023 20:55
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.