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how to change the value for the selection using getElementsByTagName


i want to chnage the value of the selection type. this selection is a default form element. so the id for IC_Club_Code is a guld which i can't use.please find the screenshot below

Episerver admin screenshot: 

what is the best way to do it. i tried the following way but it didn't work.

const onContactClick = (desc: any) => {

        const yOffsetContact = -100;
        const element = document.getElementById("divContact");
        const y = element.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.pageYOffset + yOffsetContact;

        window.scrollTo({ top: y, behavior: 'smooth' });

        var clubName = desc.ClubId.split("|")[1];


        const selectElement = document.getElementsByTagName("select")[1];
        selectElement.getElementsByTagName("option")[0].innerHTML = clubName;

        console.log("ClubName :", clubName);
        console.log("SelectOption:", selectElement.getElementsByTagName("option")[0].innerHTML);

here is the console result:

But unfortunatly the selection vale in not chnaging in the above screenshot

Feb 14, 2023 5:58

Can you not just change the value in the Selection Element within Optimizely, Or is it using a Data Feed ?

Feb 14, 2023 10:26
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