Error staring EPiServer 4.21 for the first time

After an apparently successful EPi 4.21 install on a machine EPi crashes on first start. The error is on the page that lets you select which (if any) demo site you want to install. Error message: Install basic content In order to start using your EPiServer, it must first be given some basic content. Select one of the options listed below and click OK once you’re ready. License error: Access denied -------- I tried setting file rights to Full for Everyone without that helping (also restartet iis).
Nov 13, 2003 13:40
Looks like you are missing the license.config file in the root directory. If not, check that the license config is not empty (it is normally approx 3KB in size.) You can get the license.config file by requesting the license to be resent here:
Nov 13, 2003 14:46
license.config er på plass i rotkatalogen til siten (home directory i IIS). Filen ser rett ut og er en timmet versjon av den vi fikk på mail fra EP. Har prøvd å bytte ut filen med den fikk på mail, men resultatet er det samme. Filen har rettigheter "everyone" read/change/delete. I tillegg har IIS anonynous user og ASPNET eksplisitt fått tilgang til alle filer.
Nov 14, 2003 8:15
Problemet forsvant ved å reinstallere SP1 til Windows XP.
Nov 14, 2003 9:16
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.