How to list certain properties in the FileListing template?

The FileListing template gives an overview of a set of files uploaded to a given directory. So far so good. But the standard list only displays filename, size and date. I need the list to also display the 'title' and/or 'comment' attached to the file during upload through the File Management in EPiServer edit/admin interface. For some reason, retrieving these extra values are not as straight forward as getting eg. the FileName value (Container.Name, Container.Size etc.). Can anyone help me out here..? TIA
Sep 07, 2005 16:15
Nobody who can explain why the API doesnt easily hand out 'file comment' data, or other of the inputs you can attach to a file, when you upload it via the File Manager in EPiServer..? I really need to extract this info, to make the FileListing pages more user-friendly.
Sep 09, 2005 13:49
Hi there, The API provides access to the UnifiedFile object so you can access the properties you require something like this: <%#Container.UnifiedFile.Summary.Title%> <%#Container.UnifiedFile.Summary.Comments%> Cheers, Jeremy.
Sep 11, 2005 22:59
Ah yes, the one method i haven't tried. Thanks.
Sep 12, 2005 9:53
This doesnt work for me... is it a version problem? 4.30? right? /John
Sep 29, 2005 17:01
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