and when you enter EPiServer edit mode you see the SE, DK, NO and EN Flags.
protected void Application_Start(Object sender, EventArgs e)
EPiServer.Global.EPDataFactory.FinishedLoadingPage += new PageEventHandler(hideNonSupportedLanguageTabs);
EPiServer.Global.EPDataFactory.LoadedDefaultPageData += new PageEventHandler(hideNonSupportedLanguageTabs);
/// Hides langauge tabs on multilanguage (edit mode) pages that is not supported by the current site.
/// The invoking object
/// Parameters, e.g. the page
private static void hideNonSupportedLanguageTabs(object sender, PageEventArgs e)
string siteSupportedLanguages;
siteSupportedLanguages = EPiServer.Global.EPConfig["EPsLanguageSortOrder"].ToString();
for(int i = e.Page.Property.Count - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
PropertyData prop = e.Page.Property[i];
if (isSupportedLanguage(prop.Name, siteSupportedLanguages))
continue; // To next iteration
// Remove the property and replace it with itself after the name and tab i changed
String newPropertyName = prop.Name.Replace("___", "__");
prop.OwnerTab = -1; prop.Name = newPropertyName;
e.Page.Property.Add(newPropertyName, prop);
catch(Exception ex)
/// Checks if property belongs to the supported languages of the site.
/// The property name to test if it specifying a supported language
/// A comma-separated list of languages, each language described in two-letter abbreviation
/// True if the property has a postfix indicating that it belongs to one of the languages in the list of supported
/// languages or if the property is not language dependant, false otherwise.
private static bool isSupportedLanguage(string property, string supportedLanguages)
string languages = supportedLanguages.Replace(" ","")+ ",";
int separatorIndex = property.IndexOf(MultiLanguageRuntime.LANGUAGEPROPERTYSEPARATOR);
//Check if property is multilanguage compatible
if (separatorIndex >= 0)
string propLang = property.Substring(separatorIndex+MultiLanguageRuntime.LANGUAGEPROPERTYSEPARATOR.Length, 2);
if (languages.IndexOf(propLang + ",") >= 0)
return true;
//Property is not multilanguage, so should always be included
return true;
return false;
protected static NameValueCollection FindInstanceSettings(string project)
if(configEnum.Value.GetType().ToString() == "System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection")
System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection instance = configEnum.Value as System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection;
if(Code.Common.GetString(instance["EPsProjectCode"]).ToUpper() == project)
return instance;
return null;
This method returns a NameValueCollection:
public void SomeMethod()
NameValueCollection instance = new NameValueCollection();
instance = FindInstanceSettings("Site1");
Frank :)
protected static Hashtable configurations;
protected static IDictionaryEnumerator configEnum;