Per Bjurström

Per Bjurström

 Alias: Per Bjurström
 Company: Episerver AB
 Location: Sweden
 About me: Architect on the development team in Stockholm and has been with the company since 1999.

CRP Information

Level: Esteemed Citizen
Total contribution points: 2467 (gain 533 points more to level up)

Score Distribution

Posted on: Apr 15, 2019

The Visual Studio integration  now supports Visual Studio 2019, it should shortly be available in the Visual Studio Marketplace (the "Manage...

Posted on: Oct 19, 2018

This is an early heads up that CMS 11.x will be the last generation of CMS with support for building templates on ASP.NET WebForms. When the ASP.NE...

Posted on: Mar 01, 2018

Performance improvements are done continously but there are some that require breaking changes so I thought I mention some specifically that we did...

Posted on: Oct 30, 2017

Pre-release packages of CMS 11 are being published to the Episerver NuGet feed  today. A pre-release version indicates that the version is unstable...

Posted on: Aug 17, 2017

An update to let you know what breaking changes are planned for CMS Core, as we have done the last few years we plan for one breaking change releas...