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page type restrictions

Don't know if this is a bug or by design but an answer would be appreciated. In previous versions (at least 4.61) the behavior for page type restrictions was different to that of EPiServer CMS 5. Consider the following scenario: we have a grouping page type: GroupPage and and item page type: ItemPage. The idea is that within the top GroupPage you can create other pages of type GroupPage as well as pages of type ItemPage. In EPiServer 4.61 you created a top GroupPage, then set it to "not available in edit mode" and two possible page types to create under it. In EPi5 you can not create GroupPage pages under a group page if it has set the option "not available in edit mode". Thus you have to enable it in edit mode. Which means that it will be possible to create pages of type GroupPage where they don't belong. Why the change?
Sep 28, 2007 17:50
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