Wrong page reference name in warning message while deleting page


In the Edit Mode, when a Page is deleted which is referenced by a User Control which is in a different page, a warning mesage is shown to indicate this dependency such as

x3content (6168) is referenced by a property in CF__6419_8001_6422_8004 (6422)

This message is fine except the fact that second link is for the User Cotnrol, not for the page that contains it. This name of the User Control is not user friendly in most cases and does not help editors to figure out which page actually contains it.

Can someone please sugest how to change this message to show the Page Name and its link instead of the User Control?

Aug 07, 2008 16:30
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.