Page providers and dynamic properties doesn't mix??!?!??!!!



At a client we use a custom page provider to serve content. We also need dynamic properties to correctly set global settings that are to spread down to pages below.

The problem is that the dynamic property implementation in EPiServer seems to only acknowledge the ID part of the PageReference totally ignoring the RemoteSite part. Thus only internal EPiServer pages (not located on an external page provider) can have dynamic properties.
If phony "pages" are inserted into the tblPage with the same ID as the ID's served by the page provider then the dynamic property editor thinks it is OK and you are able to set the properties.
Worse if the ID's used by the custom page provider is the same as the internal pages (i.e. starting with 1 (one) and increases from there) because then the dynamic property editor will happily set the dynamic properties on the wrong page (setting on the internal pages). Also inheriting the setting in a, from the custom page providers point of view, totally random and erroneous way.

Has this been aknowledged as a bug or am I totally up the wrong street?

Please help!

Kind regards, Magnus Aycox.


Dec 30, 2009 15:52


In CMS5 properties of type PropertyPageReference is stored in db as integer, in CMS6 this has been changed so properties of PageReference is stored in db as GUIDs. To be able to reference a custom page in CMS5, you would have to use a custom property (inheriting from e.g. PropertyString instead of PropertyNumber).

Pages from other providers will inherit dynamic properties defined on EPiServer "local" pages but it is not possible to specify dynamic properties on the external pages.

Jan 14, 2010 7:58


I faced with other problem. I've implemented custom page provider, but my custom pages NOT inherits dynamic properties from container page, which have no problems with inheritance from root and start page.

Can I ovveride some method or property for the new pages thus they on demand just replaced own dynamic property collection with container's one? I just want to content blocks, that placed on container page, were placed on custom dynamic pages too.

Jun 22, 2010 6:44
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