IE 9 error



I am working on a site that use EpiServer

I get a weird bug that only occurs in Internet Explorer 9.

The following screenshot shows that everything works correctly in Chrome. My content-areas are correctly marked and when hovering a green box appears. 

If I open the same site in Internet Explorer 9, all of the content-areas boxes and hover-effects are ‘floating’ at the top of the site. 

So far I have only been able the reproduce this error in IE 9. If I use IE 11 and use the emulator to emulate IE 9 there is no error. The error can only be reproduces in a real IE 9 browser.

So far, I have concluded that some styling are no being applied in IE9. Specifically it is styling from sleek2.css-file regarding the absolute positioning.  I can confirm that the sleek2.css-file is downloaded correctly when the site loads.

Have any of you had any trouble with IE 9 and EpiServer and does this problem seem familiar? 

Aug 26, 2015 13:34
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