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Remove Suggested Page Types in CMS 12


In the CMS 11 training exercises, there is a lab to remove the Suggested Page Types for editors.

Create a ConfigurableModule

    public class RemoveSuggestedPageTypesInitializationModule : IConfigurableModule
        public void ConfigureContainer(ServiceConfigurationContext context)
        public void Initialize(InitializationEngine context)
        { }
        public void Uninitialize(InitializationEngine context)
        { }

In CMS 12, the StructureMap DI is no longer used, so I'm unclear on how to remove or eject a configurable module in CMS 12.

Jan 03, 2022 18:09

I think I found the answer, thanks to:

public class RemoveSuggestedPageTypesInitialization : IConfigurableModule
    public void ConfigureContainer(ServiceConfigurationContext context)
        var serviceDescriptor = context.Services
            .FirstOrDefault(descriptor => descriptor.ServiceType == typeof(IContentTypeAdvisor));

         if (serviceDescriptor != null)
    public void Initialize(InitializationEngine context) { }
    public void Uninitialize(InitializationEngine context) { }

This works. I'm not sure if it is the "correct" approach.

Jan 03, 2022 18:21
Mattias Olsson - Jan 03, 2022 18:38
I'm curious. Could you try only this line to see if you also get an exception during startup:

Edit: Hmm, I see that "less than" and "greater than" was not allowed in comments. But you get what I mean anyway I hope. :)


Try this in ConfigureContainer method:

context.Services.TryAddEnumerable(ServiceDescriptor.Singleton<IContentTypeAdvisor, EmptyContentTypeAdvisor>());


public class EmptyContentTypeAdvisor : IContentTypeAdvisor
    public IEnumerable<int> GetSuggestions(IContent parent, bool contentFolder, IEnumerable<string> requestedTypes)
        return Enumerable.Empty<int>();
Jan 03, 2022 18:32

I got an exception during startup when I removed all instances of IContentTypeAdvisor, so that's why I added that empty implementation. Maybe I got the exception because because I tested it on a Commerce site.

Jan 03, 2022 18:34
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