Found this -- just tested, seems to work:
services.ConfigureContentApiOptions(o =>
o.IncludeMetadataPropertiesPreview = true;
After making that change + reindexing to Graph, I now have the VisibleInMenu property available on my pages:
Hi Guys,
As we know, every page in CMS has a "Display in Navigation" option built into the CMS.
I'm creating a very simply GraphQL query for a headless implementation, and naturally I don't want to return pages that are hidden from navigation.
Correct me if I'm wrong - but it doesn't appear that this property is exposed in the GraphQL schema.
I've just ran an introspection query to fetch all available properties from a random page type and the "VisiblleInMenu" prop from the PageData class isn't exposed in the schema. Not sure if this is a bug or done intentionally for some reason.
Any idea how I would filter based on this setting?