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Calling all developers! We invite you to provide your input on Feature Experimentation by completing this brief survey.
#episerver CMS is into folder:
<workflowSettings disable="true" />
<applicationSettings httpCacheability="Public" pageValidateTemplate="false" uiShowGlobalizationUserInterface="true" uiUrl="~/EPiServer/CMS/" urlRebaseKind="ToRootRelative" uiEditorCssPaths="~/Static/css/Editor.css" uiSafeHtmlTags="b,i,u,br,em,strong,p,a,img,ol,ul,li" />
<imageEditor windowWidth="900" windowHeight="600" enabled="true">
<preset name="320*240" width="320" height="240" />
<preset name="640*480" width="640" height="480" />
<!--tinyMCE -->
<tinyMCE mergedConfigurationProperties="valid_elements, extended_valid_elements, invalid_elements, valid_child_elements"/>
<clear />
<!-- virtual Path per tinyMCE -->
<add name="TinyMCEPlugins" virtualPath="~/Util/Editor/tinymce/plugins" physicalPath="Util/Editor/tinymce/plugins" type="EPiServer.Web.Hosting.VirtualPathNonUnifiedProvider, EPiServer.Framework" />
<!-- end -->
<add name="ProtectedModules" virtualPath="~/EPiServer/" physicalPath="Modules\_Protected" type="EPiServer.Web.Hosting.VirtualPathNonUnifiedProvider, EPiServer.Framework" />
using EPiServer.Editor.TinyMCE;
using EPiServer.Editor.TinyMCE.Plugins;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
namespace myproject
[TinyMCEPluginButton(PlugInName = "myplugin",
ButtonName = "myplugin_name",
GroupName = "myplugin_group",
LanguagePath = "Editor/tinymce/plugins/myplugin",
IconUrl = "Editor/tinymce/plugins/myplugin/icon.gif"
,EditorInitConfigurationOptions = "{ extended_valid_elements:'p', plugins:'myplugin'}"
//, DefaultEnabled = true
public class Myplugin: IDynamicConfigurationOptions
public IDictionary<string, object> GetConfigurationOptions()
Dictionary<string, object> customSettings = new
Dictionary<string, object>();
// Nothing added
return customSettings;
#All Plugin files are located into his folder
(function () {
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.myplugin', {
init: function (ed, url) {
this.editor = ed;
// Register commands
ed.addCommand('mcemyplugin', function () {
var se = ed.selection;{
file: '/Util/Editor/tinymce/plugins/myplugin/dialog.htm',
width: 480,
height: 150,
inline: 1
}, {
plugin_url: url
// Register buttons
ed.addButton('myplugin', {
title: 'myplugin title',
image: '/Util/Editor/tinymce/plugins/myplugin/legge.gif',
cmd: 'mcemyplugin'
getInfo: function () {
return {
longname: 'myplugin name',
author: 'Author',
authorurl: '',
version: tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion
// Register plugin
tinymce.PluginManager.add('myplugin', tinymce.plugins.myplugin);
Hi there,
I try to recap after we went trough again the issue.
So this is it. We can't really figure out whats wrong, mostly because in the admin page it shows up correctly but not in the edit view.
Please check this forum post to see if it's something for you.
I'm newer of Episerver I must to add a plugin of TinyMCE editor
my versions:Episerver version 8.3.0TinyMce version 3.9.3 (release of 2010-12-20)
I have a plugin that works on TinyMce 3 (release of 2011-03-10) on umbraco system i want to use same plugin on Episerver
I do all the steps in the article here
it not work completly,
when I edit the page in CMS->Administrator -> "kind of content" -> page ->field Work (i can see the button and i can drag and add to the menu)
When i try to edit the page i cannot see the button
Somebody can help me?