Episerver A/B Testing breaks 404 pages (BVN404Handler)



I've running the BVN404 handler and it works great, but when I install the Episerver A/B testing addon everytime I access a non existent page I get a 500 error page. There is no information in the Windows eventlog or in the Episerver log files. I've run Failed Request tracing in IIS and this also doesn't give me any results. So this doesn't help me.

I've cleared the temporary ASP.NET folders and recompiled the application with no success.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Apr 24, 2018 8:59

Hi Marc,

May I suggest that you report that issue in GitHub https://github.com/Geta/404handler/issues as you might get faster reaction to the issue there. Include Episerver version information and your BVN404Handler version (and if Commerce is used on the site that information too).

Jun 22, 2018 10:49

Hi Marc,

Facing the same issue.

Do you got the solution for this problem?

Jan 09, 2019 17:18
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