Score and Relevance



Does anyone know how the score is calculated/derived when using Find? Presumably a page with the word banana on 6 times will have a higher score than a page with banana on 3 times but is the score affected with the placing of a word/phrase i.e. if the term appears in the meta data does this produce a higher score than content only?

Any thoughts or links to documentation appreciated.



Sep 27, 2013 15:36

As far as I know, properties are treated equal. However, properties with shorter values will generate more score, for example a title called "This is my banana page" will generate more score than a large mainbody containing "banana", as one word out of five is worth more than one of a 100.

You have the possibility to boost the score, if you feel that certain fields are more "imporatnt" than others.

// boost title field. Default is 1
.InField(x => x.Title, 2)


Edited, Oct 16, 2013 14:42

Thanks Per, that's useful to know. So based on what you've said if the mainbody had the word banana in 10 times the title would still score higher as it would be 10 out of 100 in the mainbody versus 1 out of 5 in the title?


Oct 21, 2013 12:32

Well, the algorithm is not all that simple, but something like that, yes. :-)

Oct 21, 2013 12:43
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