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So the Tags value are stored comma separated. What you could also do is create a separate property that returns a collection/array instead (basically return Tags.Split(',');).
Hope this helps
Got it to work with SearchClient.Instance.Conventions.ForInstancesOf<RestaurantPage>().IncludeField(x => x.Tags.Split(',')); in my InitializationModule!
Although I've noticed that when I'm clicking my links, I only get one result with the tag that've clicked, and the tags that only have one tag doesn't show any result. Any ideas?
Drinks(2) - And when I click it, it only shows one page, not both with the tag.
Fish(1) - Not showing any results even though there's one page with the tag on it.
Thank you Mattias.
It seems like when I'm filtering, the .Split is skipping the first value in the array, since I get 3 results when the facetscount says 4, and 0 when it says 1, any tips how to fix this? I'm new to both EPiServer and Find/Facets/Tags..
I'm not sure if this is the right part of the forum, if not, sorry about it.
Im using Geta.Tags on my project, as a categorylist, and I'm trying to use it as a facet. It works, although, my tags is printed for each page, not for each tag. Example:
Restaurantpage1-tags: Fish, pizza, pasta
Restaurantpage2-tags: Fish, pizza
And the output is
I would like it to be:
Fish (2)
Pizza (2)
Pasta (1).
I've tried to split it but I can't get it to work.. any ideas?