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Get both page types and media types from a single category filter


Ok - I work in government and I've been directed to try and create a search for all the COVID-19 releatated information we have on our site, which is only about a hunded pages and several hundred pdfs.  We also have over 200 web authors with various skill levels.

I figgured the easiest way to accomplish this would be to create a category and have the authors simply tag everything they have releated to the topic.  So tag all their pages and PDFs  they have with the category

To pull the search results I figured I could should unified search since the front end will be a text field field for community memebers to use... etc

It seems all I would need to do is filter by the category and I'd be able to get everything releated to the category... 

var unifiedSearch = SearchClient.Instance.UnifiedSearch().For(q)
.Filter (x=> x.SearchCategories.Match("Covid19"));

This works great for page types - It is pulling out all the pages I need.  

However, I can't get any of the PDFs to pull through in the results.

I've tried SearchSections, SearchSubSections, FilterFaicits, Filter and FilterHits and nothing seems to get them to bring up.  However, when I remove thy filter and search for the PDFs they com up just fine.

Any suggestions on how I can achive this?

Nov 03, 2020 21:40
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.