Get products in a Additional Category (ParentNodeRelations())



I have an issue, we have a category page where we are listing all the products under a category, but all the items that have that category only as a "additional categories" is not being recieved
and i cant for the life of me find how i can retrieve all the items, below is our query. 

EDIT: I have read that i should be able to filterer on this ParentNodeRelations(), but that extension does not seem to exist in new versions.

return query
                .Filter(x => x.aZStatus.Match(Constant.Values.StatusActive) | x.aZStatus.Match(Constant.Values.StatusPendingCancel))
                .Filter(x => x.CatalogId.Match(searchProperties.CatalogId))
                .Filter(x => x.Ancestors().Match(link))
                .TermsFacetFor(p => p.Color)
                .TermsFacetFor(p => p.Voltage)
                .NestedTermsFacetFor(x => x.ProductDetails, x => x.DetailValue)
                .Skip((filterOptions.Page - 1) * filterOptions.PageSize)
                .GetContentResult(360, true);

EpiServer Find
EpiServer Find Commerce 11.2.0

Edited, Apr 27, 2021 6:32
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