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Updating property of type ContentArea



I'm trying to update a pagedata which has a property of type ContentArea, say example, I'd like to remove some elements of that property but it seems that ContentArea type has some special settings that I cannot save by using either DataFactory.Instance.Save(clonedPage,SaveAction.Publish) or contentRepository.Save(...)

Do you have any idea?

 SectionPageData clone = currentPage.CreateWritableClone() as SectionPageData;
            if (clone.ArticleList != null)
                if (clone.ArticleList.Count > 0)
                {                    clone.ArticleList.CreateWritableClone().Fragments.RemoveAt(0);
            DataFactory.Instance.Save(clone, SaveAction.Publish | SaveAction.ForceCurrentVersion);


Mar 08, 2013 8:56
SectionPageData clone = currentPage.CreateWritableClone() as SectionPageData;
           if (clone.ArticleList != null)
               if (clone.ArticleList.Count > 0)
               {                     clone.ArticleList.Fragments.RemoveAt(0);
           DataFactory.Instance.Save(clone, SaveAction.Publish | SaveAction.ForceCurrentVersion);



Mar 08, 2013 9:18
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