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English version of page gets Swedish friendly URL



For example, we have a Swedish page called "För besökare". Its friendly URL - in Swedish - is "for-besokare".

When we create an English version of the page, we name it "For visitors". Now, the friendly URL - in English - should be "for-visitors". However, it remains "for-besokare".

So, the English version of the page gets the Swedish friendly URL.

Can anyone explain why this is? Is it caused by some setting somewhere?

Thank you!

Mar 04, 2014 16:05

Which version of the CMS with patches are you running? Can it be the same issue described here:


Edited, Mar 04, 2014 16:32

The title in admin-mode says we're running "EPiServer CMS 7.0.586.24" and as far as I know that's patch 4.


I'm not even sure if this is a bug or if this is just the way it's supposed to work in EPiServer 7.

Mar 06, 2014 8:45

In patch 2 there was a stricter handling of how URLs in multilingual sites are handled, maybe this could have something to do with it?

Can you share how you've configured your site in EPiServerFramework.config?


Mar 18, 2014 11:43
Mar 18, 2014 11:44
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