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content block editing in TinyMCE is broken if XhtmlString type has display template



I've found that editing of content blocks is broken when XhtmlString has a display template. The template doesn't do anything fancy; it renders the property using the EPiServer.Web.Mvc.Html.XhtmlStringExtensions.XhtmlString extension and conditionally adds a wrapper div. It should be possible to replicate the issue with a display template that just calls the extension. I noticed the issue in EPiServer 8.5, update 63.

Is this a (known) bug? Has anyone found a way around it that does not involve removing the display template? I tried adding FullRefreshPropertiesMetaData, though this was a long shot since the editing breaks in All properties view as well.

See also

The issue is mentioned in the comments for 

May 28, 2015 12:48
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