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problem with right click menu


So, finally, I got R2 sp1 installed, but things are not working well, when I logged in, I can't get the right click menu to go in Admin or Editor mode. anyone has the same problems?

 It works fine with previous versions, only not fine with R2 SP1, Could any experty give me some suggestions or sulotions?

 Thx a looooooooot!!!!

Feb 10, 2009 10:30
We haven't seen that problem, does the menu not appear or what exactly is happening here ?
Feb 11, 2009 9:48

It doesn't appear. 

Ok, actually, the problem is solved , the project is created under Express, when I did it again with VS 2008, then everything works just fine. I didn't read through the document though, I thought Web Developer Express would be ok since it's ok with previouse versions. Apparently, not with the new SP1, otherwise, I did feel lots of changes with SP1, might have problems later.

Thx for ur reply Smile


Feb 11, 2009 12:20
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