Custom SendListener in Log Service


Hi, I'm trying to create a custom listner for the log service.

When I start the service it stops immediatley with the following error:

System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: Error creating ChannelEventHandler '****.Log.DailyLog' in assembly '****.Log, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=92d6468d0da5bb94 (C:\Program Files (x86)\EPiServer\Shared\Services\Log Service\EPiServer.LogService.exe.Config line 31) ---> System.ArgumentException: Error binding to target method.
at System.Delegate.CreateDelegate(Type type, Object target, String method, Boolean ignoreCase, Boolean throwOnBindFailure)
at EPiServer.BaseLibrary.ConfigurationHandler.LoadChannelSubElements(IChannel channel, XmlNode channelNode)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at EPiServer.BaseLibrary.ConfigurationHandler.LoadChannelSubElements(IChannel channel, XmlNode channelNode)
at EPiServer.BaseLibrary.ConfigurationHandler.InitializeChannels(XmlNode channelsNode)
at EPiServer.BaseLibrary.ConfigurationHandler.InitializeBaseLibrary()
at EPiServer.Log.Service.LogService.DefaultRegisterClasses()
at EPiServer.Log.Service.Log...


However when I load the method as a delegate in a demo application it works fine.

Sep 21, 2011 10:02
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