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xForm quiz with right/wrong answers



Im using EpiServer for the first time (6 R2) and would like to find out if xForms can apply values to radio buttons. I will be creating quiz with about 4 questions and multiple choice answers. If a use gets xx% correct they will be send an email.

Has anyone done this before?

Any advice / tips would great?



Feb 09, 2012 2:32

Hey damshaw,

I haven't done this before but have done alot of Xforms development as of late.  This can be done and you will need to hook into the BeforeSubmitPostedData/ AfterSubmitPostedDataEvent to check the answers and there you can decide whether to send the email or return.  Totally up to you and how you are going to handle your data.  These events are located by default in the global asax file. 

You will just have to loop the controls to retrieve your values

foreach (Control control in tempControls)
                if (control is Input)
                    var inputControl = (Input)control;

   Hope this helps.

Feb 12, 2012 22:10
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