Creating New Web Pages From pageType?

Hi, I've created a EpiServer Application from VS2005 SP1 with Default.aspx. How can i create PageTypes in admin mode & WebPages from existing PageTypes in edit mode ???? I've created on page type in admin mode.but when i'm unable to create webpage from that PageType? When i right click on the root in admin mode,the menu options are in disabled conditions??? how to fix this??
Nov 06, 2007 12:51
>How can i create PageTypes in admin mode & WebPages from existing PageTypes in edit mode? To create a new page type in admin mode: * Browse to your ui/admin folder with Internet Explorer * Log in with account that is a member of the administrators group * Click on the Page Type tab * Click on Create New Page Type in Menu * Fill in name, description and file name. (Should be relative the base folder of your application i.e /Templates/MyPage.aspx that implemts your template.) * Click Save * Add user-defined properties. To create a page: * Browse to you ui/edit folder with Internet Explorer * Select a node in the page tree * Click on the New icon or Right-click and select Create * Choose you page type * Fill in data in the fields * Click Save and Publish. > I've created on page type in admin mode.but when i'm unable to create webpage from that PageType? > When i right click on the root in admin mode,the menu options are in disabled conditions? Could you give us more information, please. What procedure did you follow when you created the episerver application in Visual Studio? Do you run the application in IIS or in Visul Studios debugg web server? Are you using Forms or Windows authentication? What membership and role provider do you use? What account are you logging in with? Have you setup Access Rights? Do you see pad locks in edit mode? Kind regards, Fredrik
Nov 06, 2007 20:49
Hi thanks for ur reply.i've answering the questions what u've asked. What procedure did you follow when you created the episerver application in Visual Studio? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I've followed the procedure demonstrated in 'EpiServer CMS SDK documentation' under the section 'Getting Started' Do you run the application in IIS or in Visul Studios debugg web server? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i'm running application in Visual Studios Debugg server. But i dont know how to run from iis ?? Are you using Forms or Windows authentication? ---------------------------------------------- i'm using Forms authentication. What membership and role provider do you use? --------------------------------------------- i'm using 'SqlServerMembershipProvider' & 'SqlServerRoleProvider' What account are you logging in with? ------------------------------------- I've created only one user with administrator rights.With this account ive created a PageType in Admin mode.After switced to edit mode to create a webpage from created pagetype.But when rightclicked on root node in left pane 'Create New' option in shortcut menu is in grayed condition(not selectable). the relavent tool bar buttons also is in grayed condition (not selectable) any solution to fix this ??? Have you setup Access Rights? ----------------------------- Yes i've done it in admin mode. Do you see pad locks in edit mode? ---------------------------------- i didnt really understand what pad lock is??
Nov 07, 2007 6:09
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