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PageList Sort order

I have a EPiServer:PageList control where I try to set the sortorder, from an inparameter. protected override void OnLoad(System.EventArgs e) { base.OnLoad(e); if (!IsPostBack) { epiPageList.PageLinkProperty = PageLinkProperty; epiPageList.PageLink = PageLink; if (MaxCountProperty != null && CurrentPage[MaxCountProperty] != null) { epiPageList.MaxCount = (int) CurrentPage[MaxCountProperty]; } if (PageLink != null) { epiPageList.SortOrder = (EPiServer.Filters.FilterSortOrder)GetPage(PageLink).Property["SortOrder"].Value; } if (PageLinkProperty != null) { if (CurrentPage[PageLinkProperty] != null) { PageData page = GetPage(CurrentPage[PageLinkProperty] as PageReference); epiPageList.SortOrder = (EPiServer.Filters.FilterSortOrder)page.Property["SortOrder"].Value; } } epiPageList.DataBind(); } } the parameter is set correctly, but the list still does not sort correctly. I have set the sort order to "Alphabetical", but it still sorts on creation date. Should this sort on the page name or the titel?
Nov 22, 2007 9:15
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