Search entitytags of images?

I'm building a search which should return images based on a few different criterions such as image uploader, imagegallery name and the EntityTags of an image.

Image uploader and imagegallery is easy but is there any way to match the EntityTags of an image to a search string through StarCommunity's query system?




Jul 09, 2008 15:25

Hi Kim,

Unfortunately this feature was left out in the previous release, but we have just started working on our next Feature Pack that will contain this feature. I can't give you a date yet when you can expect this feature, but I think not until after the summer.



Jul 10, 2008 15:45

Hi Mattias and thank you for your reply.

Another question came to my mind after a day of coding. I'm looking at getting "image comments" based on their read status. I was thinking of adding an attribute "Read" to there a way to query based on Attributes? If not, is that something you've planned to implement?



Jul 10, 2008 17:21

Hi Kim,

Yes it is possible to filter on attributes in queries (and also categories and ratings), it is covered in the developer's guide on how to do so.

Jul 11, 2008 10:55
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