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Alias vs. UserName



Just a simple question; what is the difference between UserName and Alias in StarCommunity?Appart from the fact that there is no GetUserByAlias (hence alias need not to be unique?).

The user can have GivenName, SureName, UserName and Alias... Seems to be a lot of names? Why is alias needed? Any ideas?

/ jonas

Sep 08, 2008 15:53


Alias is the display name of the user, basically the name the user wants to be identified as socially. Username is what the user uses to authenticate with the website, but is not used to socially identify the person.

Around the system you will have options to sort things on the contributor's alias, so you want to have this property set on the user for this sorting to work.

The alias is not required to be unique for things to function, but it is possible to prevent duplicates on registration with the GetUsersByAlias method.



Sep 08, 2008 16:48
Thanks Mattias. Feels good to now know the difference :)
Sep 10, 2008 16:23
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