Get latest topics in a forum



I would like to display the 5 latest topics from a forum.

Currently my code loks like this:

 var query = new TopicQuery {CreateDate = new DateTimeCriterion()};
            var sortByCreated = new CriterionSortOrder(query.CreateDate, SortingDirection.Descending);

            const int pageNumber = 1;
            var topics = ForumHandler.GetQueryResult(query, pageNumber, numberOfTopics);
            return topics;


The problem is that this gets topics from all the different forums. How can I get topics from a specific forum?

Dec 06, 2010 16:54

Any reason why you are using GetQueryResults?

I would create a function like this:

        private static MessageCollection GetRecentlyCreated(RoomBase room, int page, int pageSize, out int totalItems)
// Recently created TopicSortOrder sortOrder = new TopicSortOrder(TopicSortField.Created, SortingDirection.Descending); MessageCollection topics = ForumHandler.Instance.GetTopics(new RoomCollection { room }, EntityStatus.Approved, page, pageSize, out totalItems, sortOrder); return topics; }

Then also add, if you don't have an addition to your pagebase that gets the CurrentRoom you want to fetch from:

        public RoomBase CurrentRoom
                int roomId;
                if (Request.QueryString["roomId"] != null && Int32.TryParse(Request.QueryString["roomId"], out roomId))
                    return ForumHandler.Instance.GetRoom(roomId);

                return ForumHandler.Instance.GetRoom(-1);

Then fetch the items and add them to a listview or something similar

int totalItems;
lstView.DataSource = GetRecentlyCreated(CurrentRoom, 1, 5, totalItems);


Dec 07, 2010 11:11


If you still want to use the QueryResult function, add this to the query:

query.Room = new RoomCriterion();
query.Room.ID = new IntegerCriterion();
query.Room.ID.Includes = new IntegerInCriterion();

where roomIDs is the ids of the rooms in the forum you want get topics from.

// Regards, Torbjörn

Feb 11, 2011 7:43

I am currently working with Relate plus 1. What version do you work in? Anyways, this is how I solved it.


TopicQuery topicQuery = new TopicQuery();
topicQuery.CreateDate =
new DateTimeCriterion();
topicQuery.Room =
new RoomCriterion();
topicQuery.Room.Parent =
new RoomCriterion();
topicQuery.Room.Parent.Forum =
new ForumCriterion();
topicQuery.Room.Parent.Forum.ID =
new IntegerCriterion();
topicQuery.Room.Parent.Forum.ID.Value = ForumIDForTheForumYouWantToSearch;

CriterionSortOrder critSort = new CriterionSortOrder(topicQuery.CreateDate, EPiServer.Common.Sorting.SortingDirection.Descending);

MessageCollection topics = QueryHandler.GetQueryResult<EPiServer.Community.Forum.Topic, MessageCollection>(topicQuery, 1, ThreadsCount);

Hope this helps :-)

Edited, May 16, 2011 16:08
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