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Option to allow leading wildcard on Episerver Search


There is problem with Episerver Search when using wildcard queries. Querries don't allow leading wildcards. That limitation will lead cases where word "shelf" won't find content containing word "bookshelf", but if you search "book" it will find it.

As Episerver Search is based on lucene, there should be option to allow leading wildcard.

namespace Lucene.Net.QueryParsers
    public class QueryParser : QueryParserConstants
        // Summary:
        //     Set to true to allow leading wildcard characters. When set, * or ? are allowed
        //     as the first character of a PrefixQuery and WildcardQuery. Note that this can
        //     produce very slow queries on big indexes. Default: false.
        public virtual bool AllowLeadingWildcard { get; set; }


I would be great if there was attribute for tag to allow this. Like

Dec 22, 2017 12:02
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