EPiServer CMS 5 SDK will not install


I have SQL Server Express Edition, VS 2005 Team Edition with ENU service pack and have confirmed that I have the .Net Framework 3.0 installed on my XP pro laptop.

I have run the ToolBoxControlInstaller but the EpiServer SDK will not install.

The error message (popup) tells me I have at least 1 of the three prerequisites missing ??

HELP !!!Cry

Jun 24, 2008 20:41

Hi Stuart.

 I know that one of the prerequisites are Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 SP1 (Professional or "more") - does VS 2005 Team Edition include Web Application Project?



Jun 25, 2008 15:07

Hi Mari

Yes it appears too.

"ASP.NET Web Application" under Visual Studio installed templates

Driving me mad.
Need to research episerver as much as possible for a new job !!

Jun 25, 2008 15:25

Hi Stuart!!

I was wondering if you managed to resolve this as I am having the same issue (http://world.episerver.com/Modules/Forum/Pages/Thread.aspx?id=49571&epslanguage=en).

If you did, could you please share your solution.

Thanks & regards


Mar 28, 2011 6:38
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