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Publish catalog after XML batch import



This question may sound pretty dumb but, so far, I wasn't able to find a real answer.

Long story short - I have a process through which I'm importing a catalog through XML files - this process works very well without any issues. My problem is the following: everytime the import process finishes, I see that the catalog is in "Edit mode" and it needs to be manually publish - don't understand why (sort of) but what I care is how can I publish the catalog at the end of the import process through an automated process (call a service API method or something). Can you please recommend any method?

Another strange question - starting few months ago (I don't remember the version) we can have a custom catalog model class that can have custom properties (like any other node / entry / etc.) - my problem is that after the batch import finishes I see that my catalog (that was created having a custom type) is now a standard Catalog type. Do I have any kind of way of setting the type of the catalog through the XML import?

Thank you,


Jul 15, 2024 9:03

Hello again,

For the first question, I found the answer myself - the isActive attribute was set to false and this is why the catalog wasn't automatically published. Now everything is OK.

For the second question, I included also the MetaData node (exactly like the Catalog Node structure) but without any effect.

Thank you,


Jul 15, 2024 9:14
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