Area: Ektron
Applies to versions: 9.30 SP1

Ektron 9.30 SP1 features

Recommended reading 

Ektron Version 9.30 SP1 includes 9.30 plus the following:

  • 9.30 SP1 requirements changes. Added Microsoft SQL Server 2017 to the System Requirements for Ektron.
  • Search Server 2013 support. Support for Search Server 2013 was added to the CMS. See Setting up Microsoft Search Server 2013.
  • SQL Server 2017 support. Ektron CMS fully supports SQL Server 2017.
  • Improved Find integration. The Episerver Find integration package now supports incremental crawls and full crawls, and reports statistics on search phrases from Find. Additionally, the native Search Manager API now supports the Find platform, Synonyms, and Suggested Results. See Using Episerver Find with Ektron.

Note: For information about Ektron 9.30 SP1 features and fixes, see the Ektron Release Notes.

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Last updated: Jan 11, 2019

Recommended reading