Episerver - update 352

Release summary

New releases of Episerver Commerce (TokenEx to process Authorize.net payment implemented), Episerver Campaign (changing recipient list field names, mailings UTF-8 encoded by default), and the Episerver Forms Samples package (ReCaptcha upgraded to v3).

Released items February 2, 2021

Area ID Type Description Released
  Default values for Commerce content only work for selected language when content is created

Fix for making default values for Commerce content work for selected languages.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. On the Commerce Quicksilver sample site, make sure there are multiple languages enabled for catalog content (en, sv - where en is master and selected language).
  2. Create some content which inherits from NodeContent like:
public class TestContent : NodeContent 
     public virtual string Text {get;set;}

     public override voide SetDefaultValues(ContentType contentType)
        Text = "Some text";

          3. Create TestContent in catalog.


Should set default value for all language versions (en, sv).


Only sets it for the selected language (en) when creating the content (not for sv).

EPiServer.Commerce 13.29.0; (Or a related package);
Feb 03, 2021
  The API should not allow for adding duplicate assets to products

This is a fix for an issue where the API allows for addition of duplicate assets to products.

Scenario: When adding multiple media items with the same key/ID to a product, it causes an exception (duplicate key) when saving the next time.


AssetServiceDatabase.CommitAssets does not check duplication for the updatingRows list.

In this case, an exception should be thrown.

EPiServer.Commerce 13.29.0; (Or a related package);
Feb 03, 2021
  Missing Media pane in the Marketing user interface

This fix makes the media pane available also in the Commerce Marketing user interface.


For the Catalog user interface, the Media pane is enabled by default:

In the Marketing user interface, the Media pane is anot available:


EPiServer.Commerce 13.29.0; (Or a related package);
Feb 03, 2021
  Implement TokenEx to process Authorize.net payment

This feature implements TokenEx for processing Authorize.net payments in Order Management. 

When a customer service representative selects Authorize.net as payment method, TokenEx will protect sensitive payment information when processing the payment.

The AuthorizeTokenEx payment provider is installed through a separate package.

EPiServer.Commerce 13.29.0; (Or a related package);
Feb 03, 2021
  GetReferencesToContentItems throws exception

Fixed an issue where calling 

ContentRepository.GetReferencesToContent(contentReference, false)

would throw exception after upgrading to CMS 11.30.1

EPiServer.CMS.Core 11.20.3; (Or a related package);
Feb 03, 2021
  Image not found error when opening Datetime or Datetime range element

Steps to reproduce:

1. Create a form with a Datetime or Datetime range element, and a Submit element.
2. Add the form to a page, and then publish the page.
3. View the form.
4. Click on the date picker.


The date picker is displayed.


The date picker is displayed but there is an 404 error in the console.

EPiServer.Forms.Samples 3.7.0; (Or a related package);
Feb 02, 2021
  ReCaptcha upgraded from v2 to v3

ReCaptcha has been upgraded from v2 to v3.

EPiServer.Forms.Samples 3.7.0; (Or a related package);
Feb 02, 2021

Marketing_32.svg Episerver Campaign

Episerver Campaign 8.49

  • Changing recipient list field names
    If you use the recipient list management, you can change the field name of recipient list fields.
    See the Episerver User Guide: Editing recipient list fields.
  • Changed default setting for new clients
    When creating new clients, mailings are UTF-8 encoded by default. Support can adjust this default setting if necessary. You can still manually change the setting in the Episerver Campaign front end.
    See the Episerver User Guide: Encoding.

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Last updated: Feb 02, 2021