Optimizely - update 371

Release summary

New releases of Optimizely Campaign, Optimizely Forms Service API, and the Optimizely Avatax connector.

Released items June 29, 2021

Area ID Type Description Released
  Update dependency for Forms Service API

Try to install following NuGet packages in a same project:

  • EPiServer.ContentDeliveryApi.Search
  • EPiServer.Forms.ServiceApi

The issue is that both has a dependency of another NuGet package (Microsoft.AspNet.OData) but to different versions. EPiServer.ContentDeliveryApi.Search needs Microsoft.AspNet.OData between 6.0.0 - 7.0.0, whereas EPiServer.Forms.ServiceApi needs Microsoft.AspNet.OData between 5.6.0 - 6.0.0, making it almost impossible to install both NuGet packages in same project.

EPiServer.Forms.ServiceApi 4.0.0; (Or a related package);
Jun 29, 2021
  Add options for address case in Avalara Tax Connector

The CASE option for address validations were to be hard-coded to uppercase, which caused issues with how the address was presented. The Avalara setting now defaults to mixed-case and overlooks the CASE option due to the optional setting being sent in the request.

EPiServer.AvataxConnector 2.3.0; (Or a related package);
Jun 29, 2021

Marketing_32.svgOptimizely Campaign

Campaign 9.4 

  • Coupon system: Generating QR codes
    If you use the coupon system, you can now optionally create bar code coupon blocks containing UTF-8 characters that are displayed as a QR code graphic in the mailing. You can also use field functions to generate QR codes with static values or that refer to specific recipient list fields.

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Last updated: Jun 29, 2021