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Extension X3 Becomes EPiServer Composer

Imagine that you could instantly change the layout of a Web page  without any programming? What if the creation of new Web sites could be done at a lower cost, in less time and with less hassle? This is possible with EPiServer Composer. We are now launching version 3.2.5 of EPiServer Composer for EPiServer CMS 5 R2 SP1.


EPiServer Composer, formerly known as “Extension X3”, was specifically developed for EPiServer CMS and has been available for integration with EPiServer CMS for over four years. More than 80 EPiServer customers, including Aegon, Pfizer, RBI and Reed are using different versions of EPiServer Composer today. With the benefits of EPiServer Composer, editors can easily administer and alter their Web sites. For example, page layout can be changed immediately by dragging and dropping layout or content blocks into place. Any content can be included and moved around freely.

More than 6,000 Web sites worldwide use EPiServer CMS, and every day two new sites built with EPiServer CMS go live. EPiServer Composer is one of the hottest and most significant news to the EPiServer CMS platform, offering a wide range of possibilities when working with Web sites.

What is EPiServer Composer?

EPiServer Composer is a module for EPiServer CMS 5 that allows Web editors to change the layout, structure and functions of the Web site. This can be done within minutes, without any developing skills or prior experience of Web developing.

EPiServer Composer introduces a new way of working with EPiServer CMS. Drag and drop simplifies the daily work and allows the editors to create their own templates. Everything is done in EPiServers user interface already familiar to editors.

Drag and drop from function library

EPiServer Composer will make all functions available separately in a function library. New pages are created with ready to use templates and, and editors can simply drag and drop the functions into place.

No switching between edit and view mode

The on page editing mode simplifyes the work by displaying the page as it is beeing created, instead of having to switch between edit mode and view mode.

Create your own templates

Editors can create their own templates combining existing templates and functions available for reuse when a new page is created.The Web page appearance is no longer tied only to the EPiServer CMS’s templates.

Dynamic and Flexible Web Sites

EPiServer Composer is a tool for creating Web sites in a dynamic and changing environment. EPiServer Composer is the perfect choice when you need to frequently change the appearance of your Web sites, or when you know that you will be publishing multiple Web sites with similar or different layouts. Save time and money through reuse of content and templates from other Web sites, keep the flexibility when working with the layout and appearance.

EPiServer CMS and EPiServer Composer – a cutting-edge Web platform

For a large corporate site structure, instead of creating hundreds of templates through programming you can reuse content blocks created with EPiServer Composer. Apart from a more efficient way of working, this also brings significant savings to the Web project. In addition, you will be able to put more focus on the communication part of the Web site rather than the technology behind it. After all, your Web site may be the main entrance to your business.

Versions and Packages

EPiServer Composer is now available as version 3.2.5 as a module for EPiServer CMS 5 R2 SP1. EPiServer Composer 3.2.5 is also included in version 1.1 of the EPiServer Create+ package, together with modules EPiServer Mail, ImageVault and Interactive Scene. Training in EPiServer Composer is provided for developers, editors and administrators, aspart of the Create+ package.

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