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New EPiServer Commerce Modules

I have recently joined EPiServer from an e-commerce solutions provider in the UK to take on the role of Product Manager of the EPiServer Commerce product. Since the product launch I have been working with some great partners in the UK on some exciting EPiServer Commerce opportunities and projects.

I am pleased to announce the release of three modules for the product. These include:

  • Product Link Tool – A plug-in to the EPiServer CMS 6 Editor (TinyMCE). Adds a new function to the toolbar to allow an editor to link content to the product details page on the site for a selected product. The product is selected using the new Product Picker interface shown below. [Install and User Guide]
  • Product Dynamic Content – Allows editors to display product content using a Dynamic Content plug-in. The product is selected using the Product Picker interface shown below. [Install and User Guide]
  • Product Picker Property – Adds a new property type that can be added to page template to allow an editor to select products using the Product Picker to be displayed using an appropriate template for the content. [Install and User Guide]

The Product Picker Interface

Download the modules here (registration on EPiServer World required)

Help to improve the product and send me any feedback on the modules or the Commerce product. Let me know what other e-commerce challenges you would like to see solved in our product.


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