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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 09, 2009

    Lately I have seen more and more of our partners using Windows Authentication in their EPiServer Community and EPiServer Mail solutions. I guess the reason is the products are being more and more used within an intranet environment, which is reall...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 09, 2009

    I’m constantly in the hunt for new tools and programs that can make life easier, not only as a programmer but for my everyday personal life as well. Since I’m a programmer on the .Net platform I follow Scott Hanselman’s blog (if you are .Net...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 09, 2009

    Yesterday we ran into a problem in the project that I’m currently working on. We’re using Page Type Builder and when we tried to view a page by going to it’s non-friendly URL, that is /HelloWorld.aspx?id=30 instead of /HelloWorld/, we got an...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 08, 2009

    So, if you are trying to change the collation of a database and getting error 5030, this is much likely because you cannot change the collation of a database when it is in Multi_User mode. In this case, you should try to run the following query. -...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 08, 2009

    Anette Hulth på Smittskyddsinstitutet använder sökloggar från SiteSeeker för att spåra den nya influensans spridning. Läs mer i Computer Swedens artikel. Vi har tidigare berättat om Anettes arbete här på bloggen. Sökstatistik används till mer än a...

  • Posted on: Sep 08, 2009

    An example of a couple of useful lambda expressions. At least I think so. These lines are used on a typical A-Z index page, and use a HTTP parameter (line 2) to filter the pages. On line 3 it uses a gorgious lambda to sort by page name. Can it be...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Sep 07, 2009

    Disclaimer: This is something I just threw together yesterday, that will most likely be changed/updated in the near further. If I update it I’ll post the new code here. You’ve probably seen the addthis/shareit toolbars on various sites that lets y...

  • Posted on: Sep 07, 2009

    My thoughts on some code smells I’ve come across. These three are the ones that tend to turn my stomach the most. Here goes.. Class properties for easy access to MainBody, MainIntro etc. I often see a bunch of these duplicated in all templates,...