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  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Apr 06, 2009

    This post describes how to implement a basic server control which extends the HyperLink control to allow for easy linking to EPiServer pages. Being able to specify the inner text and title of an EPiServer page link If you want to insert a link to...

  • Posted on: Apr 06, 2009

    This test was conducted on EPiServer Labs between April 2nd to April 5th 2009 using Akamai as CDN provider and Apica as testing platform. Time measured is loading the complete start page including all images and other resources found on the page....

  • Posted on: Apr 03, 2009

    Microsoft published a new knowledge base article on April 1st and its not a joke: FIX: You experience very slow performance on an initial request to an ASP.NET Web site after you change the App_Code folder, the bin folder, or the Global.asax file ...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Apr 02, 2009

    Recently Steve made me aware of PropertyDataControlAdapter and how you could use it to change the edit mode of a property. We are in a process of cleaning up the editor interface and come across a perfect place to use my new knowledge. When you us...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Apr 02, 2009

    I have put a page with all Bulgarian User Groups that I know and that are active (at least almost all :)). Of course Microsoft related only :). If you feel that I missed something or you just have some feedback, just comment on this post. I would...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Apr 01, 2009

    When we build EPiServer CMS we automatically produce a bunch of xml files with code comments (generated from Visual Studio). They are used as a foundation for the SDK texts. But you can also have them shown directly in your Visual Studio...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 31, 2009

    In less than 12 hours is starting TechDays Developer 2009 – Defy All Challenges – 24-Hour virtual event !  For the first time, it is gathering developers from all over the world in one continuous 24 hours of learning around the clock on April 1,...

  • Syndicated blog - Posted on: Mar 31, 2009

    A lot of the questions in the EPiServer Community forum are about how to fetch sets of entities filtered and/or sorted in a specific way from the database. I’m going to present five strategies for doing that in this post. While I wont solve any sp...